I have currently trained over a dozen people. Here are some testimonials:
Half lotus interlocked with arms.
The online help you gave me was most useful, extremely helpful and lots of fun to try. Meeting you and trying them in person was awesome.
When we met for our Training session I was not sure what to expect as I had only ever trained alone and had no idea what you would expect from me. I was put at ease from the moment we met, I was comfortable and excited to learn what ever you had to teach!
I found the times we met thoroughly enjoyable and gained a lot from them, not only from the help you gave me there and then but the tips you gave me and things you taught me that I could do without a partner, It was more than worth my time so thank you for both your help and your company
The training was certainly very worthwhile, I came away with a few positions I am still using for hip stretches, and I thought we achieved a pretty good front bend You were very friendly and approachable and the helping hands were just what was needed to achieve bends I struggled with on my own. I would certainly recommend you to anyone looking for contortion tuition and guidance.
j’ai beaucoup apprécié tes conseils, et de travailler avec toi m’a permis de faire des choses que je n’aurais pas fait sans un partenaire comme toi. Merci d’être aussi “fou de contorsion”
Translation: I liked a lot your advice. Working with you helped me to do things I would never have done without a partner like you. Thanks also to be “contortion crazy”
The training was a good reason to do some serious stretching. If I stretch alone I get distracted quickly and lose my focus. That alone is a good reason for the training session.
In addition, it helped me take a more constructive approach. I tend to only do stretches I like and that go well. The training helped me do other stretches as well.
Having someone assist you in stretches is very helpful for positions that can not easily be stretched by gravity. Lastly, I did got some good tips that I will use in the future.
I have met with George on a number of occassions and have benefitted from his stretching help.
I have found that through his verbal encouragement and analysis of my stretching technique that I have been able to stretch beyond where I believed my peak to be.
George has also helped me occassionally with assisted stretching, which was of great benefit to my flexibility.
george is a very good friend and very great teacher. i like so much to stretch with him he is so helpful.
George is a contortion trainer who I had a good contact with since the first time we met. He is an easy going person, and that is really important when it comes to stretching, because you must be able to relax in order to maintain the poses.
While he respected my limits when I trained with him, he knew when to give that extra push that made me feel I was truly working. George is also a contortion enthousiast that shares his passion. For all those reasons, I never hesitate to train with him when I have the opportunity.
I enjoyed the session a lot. It was good to “compare notes” with someone.
There are a few stretches that I learned (leg stretches), which have been useful to me.
I definitely think it was worth the time.
Hallo Leute,
der liebe Georges ist der Gentleman-Trainer unter den Contortionfans
Ausserdem stünde ihm eigentlich eine “Tapferkeitsmedaille” zu, weil er so fleissig als Web-Administrator die ganzen Contortionsites pflegt und betreibt.
So bildet er als so ziemlich Einziger die Grundlage dafür, dass Contortionfans, und solche die sich orientieren und verständigen möchten, eine solide und elegante Plattform zum Austausch haben.
Weiter so!
Meine Wertschätzung hat er!
Translation:Hi people!
dear Georges it the gentleman trainer among the contortion fans
Additionally he should eran a medal of honor for being so busy as web administrator of all those contoriton sites.
Like this he is one of the few laying the foundations so that contortion fans and people who would like to orient themselves and communicate can do this through an elegant exchange platform.
Continue like this!
He has my appreciation!
Gerd (a.k.a. MrSpooky99)
assisting backbend
Mein erstes Training mit George war für mich eine tolle Erfahrung und Anfang einer ganzen Serie von gemeinsamen Treffen und Trainings. Das unglaubliche umfassende Fachwissen und das Gespür für meine persönlichen Probleme beim Stretchen haben mich nach langem Stillstand sehr viel weiter gebracht und mir den Spaß an der Sache wiedergegeben.
George hat nicht nur als Trainer im Bereich Contortion ein tolles Wissen und Know-How dieses auch anzuwenden, sondern er ist für mich auch toller Mensch, um sich über das Thema Contortion auszutauschen…einem großen Dank gilt seinem unermüdlichen Einsatz in der Sache Contortion populärer zu machen und die Freunde der Sache untereinander zu vernetzen und weltweit treffen zu organisieren.
Von George konnte ich viel lernen und er hat mein Training grundlegend verändert. Wichtig war für mich eben die Erkenntnis, dass es eben keinen Sinn macht stur auf ein Ziel hinzuarbeiten, sondern vielmehr den Weg dahin richtig zu nutzen…
und viel wichtiger: Nicht gegen den Körper Stretchen, sondern mit ihm !
Dafür Danke !
My first training with George was a great experience and the beginning of a whole series of meetings and training sessions. The overwhelming knowledge and feeling for my personal stretching problems have brought me forward a lot after a long lasting plateau and also gave me back the pleasure on stretching.
George has not only knowledge in the contortion area and knows how to use it as a trainer but he is also great to exchange yourself about contortion. A great thank goes to him for his never ending effort to popularize contortion and bring friends together via organizing worldwide meetings.
I was able to learn a lot from George and he has fundamentally changed my training. For me it was important that you should not work towards a goal but that you should use correctly the way to get there…
even more important: don’t stretch against your body, stretch with it!
Thanks for this!
Contortion training with George, has been a unique and fun experience, we have met up on many occasions to explore what can be achieved as individuals doing standard yoga and contortion positions, experimenting on how far we can take the poses, and inventing new ones.Also in partner yoga and partner contortion with George, we have explored the limits of double contortion, and have found many new and fun poses and found many human knots, which in them selves can be fascinating.If anyone is thinking about trying this, its an excellent form of exercise, George is very knowledgeable about stretching in all its forms, so go ahead and enjoy it.
Rüdiger (a.k.a. MisterMister/MisterRRC/Ruechrist)
Es war interessant mit Dir zu trainieren, weil Du was davon verstehst und vor allem weil Du auch mal die richtigen Übungen hast und an die richtigen Stellen am Körper rangehst, wenn es hakt. Gerne wieder!Translation:
Training with you was very interesting because you have good knowledge and especially you use the correct exercises and attack the correct spots on the body if there are obstacles. Anytime again!